Thursday, August 18, 2016

SHAME of INCOMPETENCE Should Push Uhuru to Accept DEFEAT by Raila CORD in 2017

SHAME of INCOMPETENCE Should Push Uhuru to Accept DEFEAT by Raila CORD in 2017
I have always said time and again that Uhuru Kenyatta is one the most incompetent, unskilled and butcherly President in the world. Apparently, this bloke doesn’t have the interests of his people at heart. He is a certified greenhorn. The man has done absolutely nothing to warrant his being re-elected in 2017.
Sometimes I sit back, engrossed with a torrent of questions and ask myself, “Does this billionaire Uhuru Kenyatta know that just like him, we the common Wananchi spent nine solid months in our mothers’ wombs” How heartless can this man be? God forbid…
Former NAZI leader, Germany Chancellor and Germany Führer once said that “Sooner will a camel pass through a needle’s eye than a great man be ‘discovered’ by an election” There is no gainsaying that President Kenyatta’s incompetence and level of greed have buttressed Hitler’s sentiments.
To confirm how Mr. Kenyatta is not the right man to get Kenyans out of the shackles of poverty, there is a crucial Mwananchi-friendly amendment bill lying before his table, awaiting his approval. This man who claims his antecedence in Mt. Kenya has advisedly turned a blind eye on it, to protect his fellow tycoons. Why is this President unenthusiastic on ascending to Hon Njomo’s bill that is set to unburden the skyrocketed interest-rates by banks?
It is unfortunate that Kenyans are saddled with an inept, cumbersome and clueless President. Further, any leader that is lackadaisical, impractical and spiritless in ascending to the interest rate bill that is aimed at capping the loaning interest at 4 per cent above Central Bank thus disburdening the hoi polloi, cannot be declared to have lived up to expectation.
It is an open secret that the ascendancy of President Uhuru Kenyatta to the highest office has brought untold hardship on the people. This is the President whose government claims to have spent a fortune in the power sector yet electricity is dismally low. This President has surrounded himself with thieves and goons. This President watches while his friends masquerading as officials plunder the treasury to near zero. This is governments whose policies or better still lack of it has sufficiently hampered economic growth and yet say it is providing jobs for its youths.
Kenyans must now decide between the apostle of continuity also known as Uhuru Kenyatta and the apostle of change also known as Raila Odinga. The former promises optimism and great hope while the latter spells doom because he and his friends can only continue to buffet on us.
For the past 5 years, Kenyans have continued to suffer from the effects of impunity and corruption. We have lived in darkness – no electricity. No water. No job opportunities for our youth. This administration has ruined the lives of generations.
The inability or unwillingness of the Uhuru administration to checkmate the history of impunity for serious crimes has emboldened thieves to continue to engage in acts inimical to the development and growth of our nation.
Kenyans must ensure they elect a President that will not only dismantle and eradicate the architecture of impunity, but also rebuild our society based on the rule of law.
This country needs a man who is more poised to empower the Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission (EACC) by giving it the needed impetus to end the heisting and misuse of public resources. This country needs a man that will strengthen the judiciary and offer it adequate resources, reform our security sector, and ensure that Kenya’s teaming population benefits from her abundant natural resources.
Whereas we owe it to our youth to provide them with an opportunity to gain the skills that will enable them to make Kenya great, the Uhuru administration has frustrated them and turned them to recruits for political banditry and armed robbers. This country needs a President who is willing to give the youth their pride of place as future leaders. We need a President like Raila Odinga, a President that will transform our country and make it a destination of pride and purpose. The continuity of Uhuru Kenyatta means disaster to Kenya.
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