Tuesday, August 30, 2016

7 Mindsets Successful People Have


Let’s face it: everyone wants to be successful in his life. However how do you explain that some people are more successful than others despite the fact that efforts are similar to others? One might think if you are in the correct track or you are not doing enough to aim higher. We can learn from people like billionaire Bill Gates, Warren Buffet or even Aliko Dangote, there are no simple explanations to this but we could learn a few tips and understand which roads lead to success. Successful people share common values that they all agree with. Let’s discuss briefly about these 7 mindsets successful people have:
1: Decision Making
The most successful people think rationally. They are proactive, very decisive and do not hesitate to make important decisions. They take time to learn about a problem, formulate the best options to overcome each one, and if their decisions fail then they all learn from the mistakes and come up with more alternatives.
2: They learn from others
An ancient philosopher Plato once said, ‘‘the only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing’’. Successful people never brag or boast about themselves, they open their minds to learn, understand and grow from success and failure stories from others. They burry their ego and are open minded.
3: They set goals, plans, targets and work on them
Successful people are visionary, hence they come up with systematic objectives and plans to reach their goals. They have a rich imagination that turn to be a reality; they don’t stop aiming higher every day. They always aim at the moon and if they fail then they make sure they land around the stars.
4: Team players
Successful people do not do everything themselves, they delegate where necessary tasks to others. They share their success with others and reward where necessary. They collaborate dynamically with everyone in order to achieve a goal. Team work is crucial for professionals who want to succeed.
5: They learn from failures
They don’t let failures take them down completely nor do they hide from critics. They take full responsibility for mistakes, errors and failures they come across. They don’t take it too seriously because they are self driven to success; they look to a problem as an opportunity.
6: They are confident and take full control
They are engineers of their situations; they are not passive but make things happen. They hold the keys to reach bigger achievements on their hands; they have an inner strength, vigour and confidence. They do not procrastinate but make things happen where it seems fit.
7: Have a positive mindset
They never look down on themselves, and don’t get side tracked by problems. Positivity helps them think on possible solutions to each problem; they focus on possibilities, believe in greater opportunities within and help them focus. Hellen Keller once said, ‘‘Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow’’.
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