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A political party can be defined as a group of voters organized to
support certain public policies. The aim of a political party is to
elect officials who will try to carry out the party's policies.
parties may be large or small, national or local. Large political
parties generally have millions of members and supporters. In democratic
election campaigns, parties compete freely for votes. Such competition
is one of the hallmarks of democracy.
Political parties as we know them did not begin to develop until the
late 1600s. The ancient Greeks, who were pioneers in developing
democracy, had no organized political parties in the modern sense. The
senate of the ancient Romans had two groups that represented people with
different interests — the Patricians and the Plebeians. The Patricians
represented noble families. The Plebeians represented the wealthy
merchants and the middle class. Although these two groups often mingled,
at times they voted as factions, or parties, on particular issues that
were important to the groups they represented.
For many centuries after the fall of Rome (A.D. 476), the people of
Europe had little voice in politics. Thus there were no true political
parties — only factions that supported one noble family or another.
Political parties developed as representative assemblies gained power.
In England, this change began after what was called the Popish Plot of
English Political Parties
In 1678, a rumor spread through England that Roman Catholics were
plotting to kill King Charles II and give the throne to Charles'
brother, James, Duke of York (who was a Roman Catholic). There was no
real Popish plot, but an alarmed Parliament barred all Roman Catholics
from public office and tried to take away the Duke of York's right to
inherit the throne. But to King Charles II, Parliament seemed to be
challenging royal authority, and he struck back by dissolving
All over England people were either for or against the king's act. Those
who urged the king to call a new Parliament were called Petitioners.
Those who backed the king's deed were called Abhorrers because they
abhorred any attempt to control the king's actions. Before long the two
factions took on other names. Petitioners were called Whigs. "Whig" was
an old term for Scottish Presbyterians who opposed the government. The
king's supporters were called Tories. "Tory" was originally a name given
to Irish Roman Catholics who had suffered under Protestant rule. These
old names took on new meanings.
The basic difference between Whigs and Tories in the 1600s was their
view of what government should do and how strong it should be. Tories
wanted rule by a strong king. Whigs wanted ordinary people to have more
rights and gain more control of their government. In time, as Parliament
took greater control, the Whigs and Tories developed into organized
Political Parties in the United States
The leaders of the American Revolution did not like the idea of parties
and political battles between parties. Upon his retirement from public
life in 1796, George Washington warned Americans against "faction"
(parties). James Madison thought parties were probably necessary,
although he did not entirely approve of them. Alexander Hamilton thought
that faction was a vice to be guarded against at all times. Thomas
Jefferson declared in 1789, "If I could not go to heaven but with a
party, I would not go there at all." Nevertheless, the men who held
these views founded the first two great American political parties.
Early U.S. Parties
Hamilton and other leaders who wanted a strong central government banded
together to put over their policies. In 1787 they began calling
themselves the Federalists. This was the first United States political
party. In 1796, anti-Federalists gathered around Jefferson. Members of
Jefferson's group called themselves Democratic-Republicans. Northern
businessmen, bankers, and merchants supported the Federalists. They
believed in a strong national (or federal) government. Federalists held
that capital and industry were the basis of a healthy republic and that
the federal government should act to protect the country's infant
industries. The Democratic-Republican Party drew its followers from
planters, small farmers, and artisans. These people wanted government to
leave them alone as much as possible. They wanted to limit the federal
government's power and leave the most power in the hands of state and
local governments. In foreign affairs the Federalists generally leaned
toward England, while the Democratic-Republicans sympathized with
Revolutionary France.
The early leaders such as John Adams, who succeeded George Washington
as president, had Federalist sympathies. But the Federalists lost
control of the government to Jefferson and his party in 1800. The
Federalists lingered on as a minority party, especially in New England,
for 20 years.
By 1820, American political life was being influenced by sharp
differences of opinion between sections of the country. In time, these
quarrels led to the Civil War. The slave-holding planters of the South,
the frontier farmers of the West, and the manufacturing and banking
industries based in the North each wanted the government to follow a
different course of action.
In 1828, Andrew Jackson, a Democratic-Republican from Tennessee, was
elected president. His party had great support in the South and West.
Jackson changed the party's name to Democrats. People who had once been
Federalists joined with anti-Jackson Democrats to form the National
Republican, or Whig, Party. Between 1836 and 1852, Whigs gave Democrats
strong opposition.
By 1854 the issue of slavery overshadowed all political debate. A
related issue was states' rights. If a state government was in conflict
with the national government, which government had the final authority?
Debate over slavery and states' rights tore the parties apart. Northern
Abolitionists--people who wanted to abolish slavery--left the Whig
party. The Whigs also lost voters to the "Know-Nothing" Party, a new
party that violently opposed Roman Catholics and foreigners. The Whig
Party began to go to pieces.
the same time, the issues of slavery and states' rights divided
Democrats into Northern and Southern branches. Southern Democrats
strongly favored slavery and states' rights. Extremists among them
believed that a state had a right to secede (leave the Union) if the
national government tried to interfere with slavery.
1854 antislavery forces and Free Soil forces (a group founded in
Buffalo, New York) formed the Republican Party. The Republicans ran
their first presidential candidate, John C. Frémont, in 1856. By 1860
the voters had a choice of four major parties — Northern Democrat,
Southern Democrat, Republican, and the Constitutional-Union Party, which
drew some ex-Whigs. Strong antislavery feeling helped Republicans
capture the presidency for Abraham Lincoln. In 1861 the Southern states
seceded and the Civil War began.
Democrats and Republicans
The defeat of the Southern Confederacy weakened the Democrats, who were
associated in voters' minds with the Southern cause. For many years the
Republicans were the major party. They favored business interests and
high tariffs (taxes on imports). The Democrats supported free trade.
They attracted farmers and the immigrants who poured into the country
between the Civil War and the turn of the century.
The two major parties were not so deeply divided again until the 1930s.
At that time the Great Depression struck the country. The presidential
election of 1932 brought in Franklin D. Roosevelt and his New Deal
programs. Roosevelt Democrats thought that the federal government must
actively help people who had been hurt by the Depression. Under the New
Deal the government passed economic relief measures, social security,
laws helping unions, and other bills. Republicans thought the government
was taking too much power and moving the country toward a welfare
state. They fought against governmental interference with business.
Today both parties agree in general on social security, unemployment
insurance, basic foreign policy, and civil rights. The issues on which
they disagree often are not goals so much as means: how best to keep the
economy growing, protect the environment, and maintain a strong
national defense. In general, Republicans tend to oppose government
programs as solutions to national problems. Democrats tend to believe
that government can and should act for good. However, the parties' views
on government's role often depend on the specific issue or program in
U.S. Third Parties
The United States has a two-party system. However, nothing in the
Constitution requires two parties. The Democrats and Republicans have
alternated in power since before the Civil War mainly because they have
put forward candidates and policies that appeal to most Americans. But
minor parties, or third parties, have often played a role in politics.
Third parties focus attention on issues and ideas. Sometimes they draw
enough support to affect the outcome of elections. Sometimes a third
party gains part of its goals by supporting a major party that promises
to act on the third party's views.
After the Civil War, Americans debated issues such as women's voting
rights and labor reform. New political parties helped focus attention on
these issues. In 1872, for example, Victoria Woodhull became the first
woman to run for president. She shared the Equal Rights Party ticket
with African American leader Frederick Douglass. In the 1890s the
People's Party of the U.S.A., or Populists, drew support from laborers
and farmers.
In 1912 a disagreement among Republicans produced a splinter group
called the Progressive, or "Bull Moose," Party. Theodore Roosevelt, the
party's presidential candidate, outpolled the Republican candidate,
William H. Taft. But the Republican split only helped the Democratic
candidate, Woodrow Wilson, win the election. The Progressive Party's
name was revived in the 1920s. The Progressives opposed big business
monopolies and favored the interests of farmers and workers. The
Socialist Party favored wider social welfare measures. It reached its
greatest strength in the 1930s, during the Great Depression.
After World War II, Southern Democrats formed the States' Rights, or
"Dixiecrat," Party to protest a growing movement to secure the civil
rights of African Americans. The American Independent Party, led by
Alabama governor George Wallace, also opposed racial integration. It was
a factor in the presidential election of 1968. The Libertarian Party,
formed in the 1970s, stressed individual rights. The 1990s saw the
growth of the Reform Party, formed by Texas businessman H. Ross Perot.
And the Green Party has formed as an outgrowth of the environmental
movement. Like earlier third parties, these groups have helped focus
attention on important social and political issues.
How U.S. Parties Work
The major U.S. political parties are highly organized. The precinct is
the smallest local division. The parties are run by county and state
committees. Committee members may be elected at primaries, chosen at
state conventions, or appointed by party officers. The two major parties
also have national committees, made up of one man and one woman from
each of the 50 states and U.S. territories. Every four years, parties
hold national conventions. Delegates are chosen in primaries, by state
conventions, or at gatherings called precinct caucuses. These delegates
gather at the conventions to nominate a presidential and a
vice-presidential candidate. Each party at its convention also drafts a
platform. The platform is a statement of what the party stands for. If
the party wins, the platform is supposed to guide the actions of the
elected officials.
Parties today use computers to draw up lists of possible supporters and
take public opinion polls to explore the views of voters on certain
issues. They use advertising to mold public opinion and compete for
favorable media coverage for their candidates. U.S. election campaigns
are enormously costly, and fund-raising is a major part of the parties'
work. Special-interest groups able to raise money and turn out voters
for candidates they favor have grown in influence. State and federal
laws control the ways political parties can raise and handle money.
Political Parties in Other nations
Political parties are often a standard by which a country's political
freedom can be measured. Some countries have only one political party.
In China, for example, there is only one party, the Communist Party.
Under such a system, people who do not agree with the party in power
cannot express their objections by voting for another group. Often the
ruling party holds power with the support of the army. Democracies
usually operate under either a two-party or a multiparty system. Like
the United States, Britain has a two-party system. The major parties are
the Labour Party and the Conservative Party, though there are active
third parties. Canada also has two major parties, the Conservatives and
the Liberals.
Multiparty systems are common in Europe and other parts of the world. In
this system, three or more parties each enjoy substantial support from
voters. France, Germany, Israel, and South Africa are just a few
examples. In these countries there may be many parties representing a
wide range of political views. Because of the number of competing
parties, it is sometimes difficult for any one party to get a clear
majority of the votes. In such cases, leading parties that can agree on
general policies form a coalition (a combination of parties) to run the
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