Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Three men have judged prison for suspected burn church in Kagera - Tanzania

Magistrate judges of Bukoba Kagera region Tanzania has sentenced three men to life imprisonment for the offenses of conspiracy to burn various churches in the region.
Government Prosecutor, Emmanuel Manyere said despite the verdict, the three men still faced with a case of cutting the throat with the killing of 16 people which continues in the Supreme Court, Bukoba region.
Manyere said the three men who are Allyu Dauda, ​​Rashid Mzee and Ngesela Keya appeared in Resident Magistrate's Court in front of Magistrate of Bukoba, Victor Biambo.
He said the accused unanimously found guilty of conspiracy to burn 16 churches of various denominations in the region.
The judge said the court Bigambo satisfied with the evidence from the complainants and to imprisonment for seven years in jail for all three of the offense of conspiracy to life imprisonment for the crime of burning churches.
Meanwhile, the police commander Augustine Kagera Region Ollomi praised the court to do justice in this case as well as urging the country to continue to cooperate with the police to put an end to such practices.
Despite the judgment in this case the number 67, still three men are charged with the murder of 20 people in various locations in the region going to the Supreme Court, Bukoba region.
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