Thursday, August 18, 2016

BANNING of MNAZI WINE is like KILLING the Mijikenda- Uhuru Told


Mr President, as you come to the Coast once again, kindly remember what we told you last year Sir.
Mr. President, we are the 9 tribes who left your Ancestors in the Mountains during the migration from the Congo Forest and settled along the Coast, South of River Tana.
When we settled in our new lands, we discovered the Coconut palm trees. We thanked our ancestors leading us to this land and above all giving us this tree. Ever since, we have used this tree for various purposes like Building & Construction, Catering, Religious and Cultural practices, Commerce, Agriculture amongst many others.
Of concern today is the Mnazi Wine Sir. Last week, you gave a decree to ban illicit brew in the uplands. Some of those brands affected are kumi kumi, muratina, yokozuna, kk, kc, panther, trigger, flying horse, amongst the list 385.
However, I want to bring to your attention the inhumane handling of MNAZI operators by provincial administration and the police. They have beaten up our mothers, abused them poured their stock and ridiculed them before their family ( we do this business mostly in our homes)
Sir, the wine is Synonymous with our people, it gives our identity, it tells our story, it defines who we are in short..WE ARE MNAZI!!
Sir, let me open up the Mnazi world for you.
1. IDENTITY. A community is set by formed by people, and a person is recognized by name. During the naming ceremony, “Vyalusa” we use Mnazi to give names. Our names are Karisa, Mbeyu, Mwaboza and your namesake Mwinga for Muigai. Without the wine, we would be nameless of carry names of dogs like jonny, kate jimmy etc
2. FAMILY. This is founded under marriage. Our marriage ceremony cannot be instituted without the wine which our elders use to bless the young couples. We call it “Kajama” here.
3. CATERING. Sir, the last time you were here, we cooked you Mahamri which you really enjoyed. Did you know Palm wine is part of the ingredients? The Mnazi is used for leavening is place of yeast. Now your know.
4. HEALTH. In the world of medicine, the wine has been used to cure Diseases like Asthma, Constipation, Antiseptic to treat wounds amongst others.
5. PRAYERS. We are a God fearing community sir. Just as your people pray facing mount under the Mugumo tree, we pray in the Sacred Kaya Forests using the wine to appease our ancestors to mediate for us amongst the heavily beings.
6. INTEGRATION & COHESION. You know very well our people are known for peace and good neighborliness. One contributor to this is the wine. Through this, we have settled disputes, created friends and above all bonded the Nation.
7. COMMERCE. I wish to inform you that the wine has contributed to the economy of our Nation. Through the trade, we have been able to go through school, pay for mortgages and capital for other businesses
8. NATURE vs CHEMICALS. Sir, we support the banning of the illicit brew due to the excessive chemical formula. However, our Palm wine is a natural product, in fact we consume it direct from the source.
9. REPRODUCTION. We overheard women in Nyeri complaining of the incompetence of their men in bed due to the illicit brew they consume. On the Contrary, the Mnazi wine has made our women give birth consistently, and our men practice polygamy. This is a natural Aphrodisiac. (Try this and you will testify)
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